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  • Master Culture et communication
Arts, Lettres, Langues (ALL)

Master Culture et communication

Culture et communication
  • Niveau d'étude visé

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 crédits

  • Durée

    2 ans

  • Composante

    UFR Langues et Communication, Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education


Formation avec accès santé


  • 15 étudiants

    Capacité d'accueil globale


Sélectionnez un programme

Intercultural management

The MA course in Intercultural Management is an English-taught MA course at the Faculty of Languages and Communication of the University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. It is a recognized “International Master’s degree” accredited by the French Ministry of Education, for a select group of internationally-minded students who wish to develop their competencies and knowledge applied to managing cultural diversity. Modules focus on foreign languages and cultures, intercultural communication, business skills and international project management, intercultural management and research methodology. The course aims to help students develop their critical faculties and technical competencies, as well as mediation skills based on a solid understanding of and sensitivity towards the relationship between cultures and communication in a professional context.

Voir la page complète de ce parcours

  • UE1 - Languages and Cultures

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 à 3 parmi 3

      • French Language

      • French Culture

      • Foreign Language course for French Speakers

        3 crédits15h
  • UE2 - Intercultural Communication

    9 crédits
    • Introduction to Intercultural Communication

      3 crédits20h
    • Migration Studies

      3 crédits20h
    • Diversity Management: Inclusion and Social Justice

      3 crédits
  • UE3 - Research Methods, Projects & Careers

    6 crédits
    • Research Methods

      3 crédits30h
    • Project Work & Career Clinic

      3 crédits20h
  • UE4 - Open Modules

    12 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 20

      • Academic and Professional English

        2 crédits15h
      • Language of Exchange Destination

        2 crédits15h
      • Training for Global Mobility

        2 crédits15h
      • Economics (or business intelligence)

        2 crédits20h
      • Strategy

        3 crédits20h
      • Marketing

        3 crédits20h
      • Human resources

        3 crédits20h
      • Business Game

        2 crédits20h
      • Scientific issues : biodiversity and climate change

        3 crédits15h
      • Philosophy of sustainable business

        3 crédits15h
      • Ethical governance of global companies

        2 crédits18h
      • Strategy for sustainable businesses

        2 crédits18h
      • Management behavior : psychology and sociology of transition

        2 crédits15h
      • Sustainable marketing and Social culture of consumption

        2 crédits15h
      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
      • Commons and Private Goods

        2 crédits15h
      • European Institutions and Policies

        2 crédits15h
      • Culture, Development and Globalisation

        2 crédits15h
      • Cultural Marketing and Communication

        2 crédits15h
      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
  • UE1 - Languages and Cultures

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 3

      • French Language

      • Cultural differences seminar

      • Foreign Language course for French Speakers

  • UE2 - Intercultural Communication

    9 crédits
    • Cultures & Communication in Organisations

    • Global Workplace Skills

    • Anthropology / Ethnography

  • UE3 - Research Methods, Projects & Careers

    8 crédits
    • Thesis Seminar

    • Project Work & Career Clinic

    • Project Management

  • UE4 - Open Modules

    10 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 10

      • Language of Exchange Destination

        3 crédits15h
      • Training for Global Mobility

        2 crédits15h
      • Guest Conferences

        2 crédits15h
      • International economics

        2 crédits20h
      • Economic decision making

        2 crédits15h
      • European business context

        2 crédits20h
      • Geopolitics for business

        3 crédits20h
      • Business Game

        2 crédits
      • Management & Organisational theories

        2 crédits15h
      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
  • Semester-long student exchange in a partner university

    30 crédits
  • UE1 - Languages and Cultures

    5 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 à 2 parmi 4

      • French Language

      • Cultural differences seminar

        3 crédits
      • Foreign Language course for French Speakers

        3 crédits
      • Preparation of DELF or DALF

        2 crédits
  • UE2 - Research Methods, Projects & Careers

    12 crédits
    • Thesis Seminar

      10 crédits20h
    • Project Work & Career Clinic

      2 crédits20h
  • UE3 - Open Modules

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 à 4 parmi 4

      • Guest Conferences

        3 crédits15h
      • Circulation, Trade and Protection of Cultural Property

      • Culture, Freedom of Speech and Privacy

      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
  • UE4 - Professional Experience / Internship

    10 crédits

Projects in international and european cultural engineering

The PIECE Masters' degree in International and European Cultural Engineering is designed to train foreign and French students and professionals in new forms of cultural management by developing partnerships and international projects of the Creative Europe type. A mixed team of researchers and professionals work together passing on skills and supervising projects. The fundamental knowledge base — project management, business management, law, cultural policies and interculturality — is supplemented by seminars on the sociology and philosophy of culture, art history, and musicology, with a focus on cultural innovation (neurosciences, technological and social innovation, AI issues).

Reverse pedagogy is at the heart of the curriculum: a combination of lectures, seminars, field visits and analytical discussions, built around the development of real projects proposed by practitioners. The feasibility and intercultural relevance of these projects are tested through various academic and professional immersive experiences abroad, and through the development of actual projects in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (France). The best projects are presented annually to European Union culture officials in Brussels.

Voir la page complète de ce parcours

  • UE 1 - Project Methodology and Management

    10 crédits
    • Managing an International Project

      2 crédits20h
    • European Cooperation International Programmes

      4 crédits20h
    • Project Management Auditing

      4 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

  • UE 2 - Fondamentals for Projects Development

    6 crédits
    • Innovations and Culture History

      2 crédits15h
    • Copyright/droit d'auteur

      2 crédits15h
    • Spectator's Workshop

      2 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

  • UE 3 - Communication Flows and Globalisation

    5 crédits
    • Commons and Private Good

      2 crédits15h
    • Culture, Development and Globalisation

      2 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

      1 crédits15h
  • UE 4 - Culture from a French Perspective

    5 crédits
    • French Cultural Policies

      2 crédits15h
    • Francophony and France Abroad

      2 crédits15h
    • French Language and Culture

      1 crédits15h
    • Preparation of DELF or DALF

    • Professionnal Outlook

  • UE 5 - Open your Mind

    4 crédits
    • Au choix : 2 parmi 9

      • Management Behavior : Psychology and Sociology of Transition

        2 crédits15h
      • Ethical Governance for Global Company

        2 crédits15h
      • Philosophy of Sustainable Business

        2 crédits20h
      • Scientific Issues : Biodiversity and Climate Change

        2 crédits20h
      • Introduction to Intercultural Communication

        2 crédits20h
      • Migration Studies

        2 crédits20h
      • Business Game

        2 crédits15h
      • Human Ressources

        2 crédits15h
      • Guest Conferences

        2 crédits15h
  • Semestre de mobilité : études dans une université partenaire

    26 crédits
  • Stages et suivi de projets internationaux : Internship

    4 crédits30h
  • UE 1 - Project Methodology and Management

    7 crédits
    • European Institutions and Policies

      2 crédits15h
    • European Cooperation International Programmes

      2 crédits20h
    • Project Management Auditing

      2 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

      1 crédits15h
  • UE 2 - Management of Culture

    7 crédits
    • Cost Analysis and Budgeting an Accounting System

      2 crédits15h
    • Legal framwork for live performances

      2 crédits15h
    • Cultural Marketing and Communication

      2 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

      1 crédits15h
  • UE 3 - Innovation and Research Seminars

    5 crédits
    • Current Issues in Performing Arts : Festivals and Cultural Events

      1 crédits15h
    • Current Issues in Heritage : Urbanism and Arts in Public Spaces

      1 crédits15h
    • Culture, Tourism and Sustainable Development

      2 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

      1 crédits15h
  • UE 4 - Culture from a French Perspective

    7 crédits
    • Cultural Cooperation and Diplomacy / Transborder Projects

      2 crédits15h
    • Marketing France as a Cultural Project

      2 crédits15h
    • French Language and Culture

      2 crédits15h
    • Preparation of DELF or DALF

    • Professionnal Outlook

      1 crédits15h
  • UE 5 - Open your Mind

    4 crédits
    • Au choix : 2 parmi 8

      • Ethical Governance for Global Company

        2 crédits15h
      • Philosophy of Sustainable Business

        2 crédits15h
      • Scientific Issues : Biodiversity and Climate Change

        2 crédits15h
      • Introduction to Intercultural Communication

        2 crédits20h
      • Migration Studies

        2 crédits20h
      • Business Game

        2 crédits20h
      • Human Ressources

        2 crédits20h
      • Guest Conferences

        2 crédits15h
  • UE 6 - Project Methodology and Management

    5 crédits
    • European Cooperation International Programmes

      2 crédits20h
    • Project Management Auditing

      2 crédits15h
    • Professionnal Outlook

      1 crédits15h
  • UE 7 - New Medias and Means of Communication

    5 crédits
    • Image Analysis

      2 crédits15h
    • Cinema and Audiovisual Sector

      2 crédits15h
    • Professional outlook

      1 crédits
  • UE 8 - Communication and Globalisation

    4 crédits
    • Culture Interculturality and Territory

      2 crédits15h
    • Circulation, Trade and Protection of Cultural Proprety

      2 crédits15h
    • Professional outlook

  • UE 9 - Culture from a French perspective

    4 crédits
    • Culture, Freedom of Speech and Privacy

      2 crédits15h
    • Culture difference seminar

      2 crédits15h
  • UE 10 - Professionnalisation

    12 crédits
    • Internship

      4 crédits20h
    • Thesis

      8 crédits20h
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