Niveau d'étude
BAC +4
10 crédits
UFR Langues et Communication
Each student must choose subjects for a total of 12 credits in the list for this module (NB : not all combinations of options may be possible). Each student must choose the guest conferences they wish to follow, from a list published at the beginning of the semester.
Liste des enseignements
Au choix : 1 parmi 10
Language of Exchange Destination
3 crédits15hTraining for Global Mobility
2 crédits15hGuest Conferences
2 crédits15hInternational economics
2 crédits20hEconomic decision making
2 crédits15hEuropean business context
2 crédits20hGeopolitics for business
3 crédits20hBusiness Game
2 créditsManagement & Organisational theories
2 crédits15hExtra-curricular engagement
3 crédits