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    Master Culture et communication
  • Parcours Intercultural management

Parcours Intercultural management

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    UFR Langues et Communication

  • Langue(s) d'enseignement



The MA course in Intercultural Management is an English-taught MA course at the Faculty of Languages and Communication of the University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. It is a recognized “International Master’s degree” accredited by the French Ministry of Education, for a select group of internationally-minded students who wish to develop their competencies and knowledge applied to managing cultural diversity. Modules focus on foreign languages and cultures, intercultural communication, business skills and international project management, intercultural management and research methodology. The course aims to help students develop their critical faculties and technical competencies, as well as mediation skills based on a solid understanding of and sensitivity towards the relationship between cultures and communication in a professional context.

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  • 15 étudiants

    Capacité d'accueil globale


Management: business skills, diversity management, international project management, strategic intelligence, human resources, international marketing, setting up a company. Cultures and communication: Cultural awareness, intercultural mediation, critical approaches to cultures, area studies, intercultural management, intercultural communication theory, ethnographic research methodology. Training: training for trainers, course planning, designing learning materials, event management. Languages: Professional-level English (including focus on negotiation skills, writing professional documents, English for academic purposes); initiation to language of exchange university; intensive French language for non-French speakers or professional fluency in a second language (German, Italian, Russian or Spanish) for French speakers. Professional experience: professionally-focused projects.

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Compétences acquises

Cultural awareness and sensitivity to others and to questions of diversity in the workplace.
Skills and knowledge of and in various languages and cultures, including French, up to professional level.
A complex understanding of and a critical approach to interculturality, cultures and identities, and their role in various interpersonal encounters, beyond simplistic approaches based on national differences.
Various management / international management skills and an understanding of how organisations function professionally within a wider economic, social and legal environment (human resources, international marketing, geopolitics, strategic intelligence…).
Knowledge of project management methods and tools and experience planning and executing projects as a team member and / or in a leadership role. 
Skills as a trainer planning courses, designing learning materials, setting up events.
Research methodology, analytical tools and methods for conducting intercultural audits / consultancy.
Professional experience: 4-6 months internship and various professionally-focused projects.

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Formation internationale

Formation tournée vers l'international


Contrôle des connaissances

Each module (UE) is validated separately, on the basis of the marks attributed to its constituent elements (subjects), on condition that the student obtains a mark of at least 10/20 in the module, with coefficients applied. The result for the semester is calculated on the basis of the mark for each module, with coefficients applied. The semester is validated only if the student obtains a result equal to or higher than 10 out of 20 in each module. The pedagogical committee (jury) at the end of each semester has the authority to adjust these criteria on pedagogical grounds, in the light of individual circumstances.

Chaque module (UE) est validé séparément, sur la base des notes attribuées à ses éléments constitutifs (matières), à condition que l'étudiant obtienne une note d'au moins 10/20 au module, avec application des coefficients. Le résultat du semestre est calculé sur la base de la note de chaque module, affectée de coefficients. Le semestre n'est validé que si l'étudiant obtient un résultat égal ou supérieur à 10 sur 20 dans chaque module. Le comité pédagogique (jury) à la fin de chaque semestre a le pouvoir d'ajuster ces critères pour des raisons pédagogiques, en fonction des circonstances individuelles.


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Sélectionnez un programme

  • UE1 - Languages and Cultures

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 à 3 parmi 3

      • French Language

      • French Culture

      • Foreign Language course for French Speakers

        3 crédits15h
  • UE2 - Intercultural Communication

    9 crédits
    • Introduction to Intercultural Communication

      3 crédits20h
    • Migration Studies

      3 crédits20h
    • Diversity Management: Inclusion and Social Justice

      3 crédits
  • UE3 - Research Methods, Projects & Careers

    6 crédits
    • Research Methods

      3 crédits30h
    • Project Work & Career Clinic

      3 crédits20h
  • UE4 - Open Modules

    12 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 20

      • Academic and Professional English

        2 crédits15h
      • Language of Exchange Destination

        2 crédits15h
      • Training for Global Mobility

        2 crédits15h
      • Economics (or business intelligence)

        2 crédits20h
      • Strategy

        3 crédits20h
      • Marketing

        3 crédits20h
      • Human resources

        3 crédits20h
      • Business Game

        2 crédits20h
      • Scientific issues : biodiversity and climate change

        3 crédits15h
      • Philosophy of sustainable business

        3 crédits15h
      • Ethical governance of global companies

        2 crédits18h
      • Strategy for sustainable businesses

        2 crédits18h
      • Management behavior : psychology and sociology of transition

        2 crédits15h
      • Sustainable marketing and Social culture of consumption

        2 crédits15h
      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
      • Commons and Private Goods

        2 crédits15h
      • European Institutions and Policies

        2 crédits15h
      • Culture, Development and Globalisation

        2 crédits15h
      • Cultural Marketing and Communication

        2 crédits15h
      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
  • UE1 - Languages and Cultures

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 3

      • French Language

      • Cultural differences seminar

      • Foreign Language course for French Speakers

  • UE2 - Intercultural Communication

    9 crédits
    • Cultures & Communication in Organisations

    • Global Workplace Skills

    • Anthropology / Ethnography

  • UE3 - Research Methods, Projects & Careers

    8 crédits
    • Thesis Seminar

    • Project Work & Career Clinic

    • Project Management

  • UE4 - Open Modules

    10 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 10

      • Language of Exchange Destination

        3 crédits15h
      • Training for Global Mobility

        2 crédits15h
      • Guest Conferences

        2 crédits15h
      • International economics

        2 crédits20h
      • Economic decision making

        2 crédits15h
      • European business context

        2 crédits20h
      • Geopolitics for business

        3 crédits20h
      • Business Game

        2 crédits
      • Management & Organisational theories

        2 crédits15h
      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
  • Semester-long student exchange in a partner university

    30 crédits
  • UE1 - Languages and Cultures

    5 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 à 2 parmi 4

      • French Language

      • Cultural differences seminar

        3 crédits
      • Foreign Language course for French Speakers

        3 crédits
      • Preparation of DELF or DALF

        2 crédits
  • UE2 - Research Methods, Projects & Careers

    12 crédits
    • Thesis Seminar

      10 crédits20h
    • Project Work & Career Clinic

      2 crédits20h
  • UE3 - Open Modules

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 à 4 parmi 4

      • Guest Conferences

        3 crédits15h
      • Circulation, Trade and Protection of Cultural Property

      • Culture, Freedom of Speech and Privacy

      • Extra-curricular engagement

        3 crédits
  • UE4 - Professional Experience / Internship

    10 crédits


Conditions d'accès

Etant donné le recrutement international, la majorité de candidatures passent par Mobility Online et Etudes en France. Les exceptionnelles candidatures d'étrangers ayant déjà validé des années d'enseignement supérieur en France sont traitées via un formulaire dédié sous forme d'un document Word à télécharger, remplir et renvoyer à la scolarité.

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Modalités de candidatures

Recrutement international: dossier de candidature avec première sélection, puis entretiens pour déterminer la liste des admissibles. 

Procédure organisée selon les contraintes des dates de Campus France, en 3 vagues (janvier à avril), de sorte à pouvoir donner une réponse sous 2 mois.

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Public cible

Le master recrute parmi différentes licences, dans les domaines des SHS : des langues vivantes, des arts et de la littérature, la philosophie, le droit, etc.

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Droits de scolarité

Frais de formation spécifiques (autorisés dans le cadre de la circulaire ministérielle sur les masters internationaux du 2 mars 2015) 

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Et après

Poursuite d'études

It is possible after this MA course for selected students to continue with a PhD in Communication Science or related disciplines.

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Débouchés professionnels

The course prepares students for people-focused careers where a capacity for cultural awareness and intercultural mediation skills are essential. Graduates will be interested in careers in a variety of professional contexts: multinational organisations, NGOs, public sector, including government overseas agencies / international public bodies (UN, UNESCO, UNICEF…), freelance or agency-based training / management consultancy, and in a variety of roles, from manager (HR, diversity and inclusion, communications) to project coordinator, social worker (educator, mediator), trainer, consultant, foreign service officer or civil servant. It is also possible for graduates to continue their studies to PhD level in related disciplines. 
Examples of jobs directly accessible to graduates include: management consultant (freelance / agency), intercultural trainer, diversity and inclusion officer, CSR officer, international project manager, administrator, lobbyist, social worker, internal communications officer, human resources manager, international marketing / sales manager.

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