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Lab Techniques

  • Niveau d'étude

    BAC +4

  • Composante

    UFR Sciences Vie Terre Environnement


How to study evolution in the fossil record? And how do living beings contribute to mineralization processes? These two questions stand at the heart of this teaching unit. The main aims are (1) to help students build themselves a robust knowledge on evolutionary patterns and processes as inferred from the fossil record; (2) to present biologically-derived mineralization processes that lead to skeletons, some rocks and to the fossils themselves; (3) To associate cutting-edge research questions with current methods and lab techniques.

Program :

Travaux pratiques :

 Palaeontology: : Essential lab techniques (in French/English)

 Biominerals : Lab techniques and presentation of ongoing research projects

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To master key concepts in evolutionary palaeontology

To get acquainted with biologically-derived mineralization processes

To associate modern research questions with methods and lab techniques

To master basic lab techniques

To know how to interpret data acquired in the lab and to replace them in their scientific context

To follow a complete scientific course in English (listening, reading, writing)

To express oneself spontaneously in English

To be able to take notes during lectures in English

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Heures d'enseignement

  • TPTravaux Pratiques5h

Modalités de contrôle des connaissances

Session 1 ou session unique - Contrôle des connaissances

Nature de l'enseignementModalitéNatureDurée (min.)NombreCoefficientRemarques
CC (contrôle continu)CC : Ecrit et/ou Oral3