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    Master Management
  • Parcours International management and sustainability

Parcours International management and sustainability

  • Composante

    Institut d'Administration des Entreprises

  • Langue(s) d'enseignement



The Master Global and Sustainable Management is a program that provides specific managerial knowledge to handle environmental and societal transitions.

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  • 15 étudiants

    Capacité d'accueil globale


Understand the issues related to environmental and societal transitions and lead a global management strategy. Develop practical management skills for environmental and social
transitions in organizations. Master the transversal and international vision of organizations to work in cross-cultural environment companies.

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Les + de la formation

A fully English-taught program. Possibility to choose between research and professionalization in M2.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Courses are evaluated either with continuous evaluation throughout a semester, or with final exams scheduled during a dedicated week in December for Semester 1 and in May for Semester 2.

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Stage à l'étranger


Durée du stage à l'étranger

6 months


Classes are entirely taught in English and students have the opportunity to learn French language and civilization at the same time.Class size is purposely limited which makes courses very dialogue driven, and all faculty members are accessible to participants. Students coming from partner universities can follow just one semester of the program. The second semester of the M2 has two options :
 PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP (A 6 months internship in a company in France or abroad)  RESEARCH (A research dissertation and the option to continue as PhD student).

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Sélectionnez un programme

  • UE1 Finance and Control

    6 crédits60h
    • Foundations of Finance

      2 crédits20h
    • Finance Accounting

      2 crédits20h
    • Management Accounting

      2 crédits20h
  • UE2 From Economics to Strategy

    6 crédits60h
    • Strategy

      2 crédits20h
    • International Marketing

      2 crédits20h
    • Introduction to Economics

      2 crédits20h
  • UE3 Human Resources Management and Business Game

    6 crédits60h
    • Human Resources Management and Business Ethics

      2 crédits20h
    • French and Civilization

      2 crédits20h
    • Decision Making - Business Game

      2 crédits20h
  • UE4 Thesis Preparation and Guest Conferences

    6 crédits30h
    • Thesis Preparation

      6 crédits15h
    • Guest Conference

      0 crédits15h
  • UE5 Options

    6 crédits45h
    • Au choix : 2 à 3 parmi 8

      • Introduction to Intercultural Communication

        3 crédits20h
      • Training for Global Mobility

        2 crédits15h
      • French Cultural Policies

        2 crédits15h
      • Cultural Marketing and Communication

        2 crédits15h
      • Marketing as a Cultural Project

        2 crédits15h
      • Sustainable Marketing and Social Culture of Companies

        3 crédits15h
      • Management Behaviour : Psychology and Sociology of Transition

        3 crédits15h
      • Diversity Management : Inclusion and Social Justice

        3 crédits15h
  • UE1 Finance

    6 crédits60h
    • International Economics and Law

      2 crédits20h
    • Performance Management

      2 crédits20h
    • Corporate Finance

      2 crédits20h
  • UE2 International Business Realities

    8 crédits75h
    • Economics for Decision Making

      2 crédits15h
    • Geopolitics for Business

      2 crédits20h
    • Intercultural Negociation

      2 crédits20h
    • European Business Context

      2 crédits20h
  • UE3 Project Management in an Innovative Environment

    6 crédits60h
    • Project Management

      2 crédits20h
    • International Information Software

      2 crédits15h
    • Business Game

      2 crédits25h
  • UE4 Research in Business

    4 crédits50h
    • Management and Organisation Theories

      2 crédits15h
    • French and Civilization

      2 crédits20h
    • Conferences / Visits / Projects

      0 crédits15h
  • UE5 Options

    6 crédits45h
    • Au choix : 3 parmi 6

      • Option 1

        2 crédits15h
      • Option 2

        2 crédits15h
      • Option 3

        2 crédits15h
      • Option 4

        2 crédits15h
      • Option 5

        2 crédits15h
      • Option 6

        2 crédits15h
  • UE1 Global Issues and Business

    6 crédits30h
    • Scientific Issues : Biodiversity and Climate Change

      3 crédits15h
    • Philosophy of Sustainable Business

      3 crédits15h
  • UE2 Crafting tools of sustainable business

    11 crédits72h
    • Impact Finance and Management Control

      3 crédits18h
    • Ethical Governance of Global Companies

      3 crédits18h
    • Strategy for Sustainable Businesses

      3 crédits18h
    • International Climate-Change Laws

      2 crédits18h
  • UE3 Managing the Sustainable Business

    9 crédits45h
    • Management Behaviour : Psychology and Sociology of Transition

      3 crédits15h
    • Diversity Management : Inclusion and Social Justice

      3 crédits15h
    • Sustainable Marketing and Social Culture of Consumption

      3 crédits15h
  • UE4 Learning from experts of sustainability

    4 crédits45h
    • Organizing a Conference with Inspiring Leaders

      2 crédits15h
    • Communication Project About Sustainability (podcast)

      2 crédits30h
  • Au choix : 2 parmi 4

    • UE1 (Option Pro) Acquiring professionnal skills

      15 crédits45h
      • Internship

        0 crédits
      • Professional Report

        15 crédits45h
    • UE2 (Option Pro) Doing a Master Thesis

      15 crédits60h
      • Introduction to a Research Dissertation

        3 crédits15h
      • Master Thesis and Defence

        12 crédits45h
    • UE3 (Option Research) Research Competencies

      6 crédits35h
      • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

        3 crédits20h
      • Writing in Academic English

        3 crédits15h
    • UE4 (Option Research) Research dissertation

      24 crédits45h
      • Research Thesis and Defence in Dijon

        20 crédits25h
      • Research Seminar in Sustainability

        4 crédits20h


Conditions d'accès

Access to the GSM Master is conditionned to the validation of an application file, either on Etudes en France or on ecandidat (depending on the citizenship of the candidate)
The Payment of the 4000 euros special fees is mandatory to access the Master
Direct acces to M2 is  possible.

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Modalités de candidatures

Candidates to GSM must apply according to their country of citizenship :

- Candidates who live in the EU, Switzerland, or EEA country must apply on ecandidat : from February 12th to May 24th 2024

- Candidates who live in a country with the Etudes en France procedure must apply on Etudes en France : from October 01st 2023 to January 01st 2024

- Candidates who live in France or in a country not covered by the Etudes en France procedure must apply via "ecandidat" and contact the office for degree seeking students : degree.seeking.students@u-bourgogne.fr

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Public cible

Candidates to the GSM Master should not have a background in Management or Business Administration, except if they are applying directly for M2.

Candidated from various fields of study such as Humanities, Engineering, Arts, Political Sciences etc. can apply.

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Droits de scolarité

Special fees : 3500 euros per year
National fees : 243 euros per year
CVEC : 100 euros per year

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Attendus / Pré-requis

French and European candidates should hold 180 ECTS credits (to access M1) or 240 ECTS credits (to access M2) in Social Sciences or other disciplines non-related to Management.
For non-European candidates, a bachelor degree is required, and prior studies will necessarily be examined and validated by a university committee.
A good level of English (B2 minimum) is required. A university committee will examine:
- the applicant’s previous university results (quality, homogeneity, regularity, distinctions, etc.)
- the applicant’s motivation for an international program
- the coherence between the program and the applicant’s career plan
Candidates with a good level of French are more likely to be accepted.

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Et après

Débouchés professionnels

Students will find managerial positions in an international environment in the general fields of marketing, international economics, finance, human resources management. Students who had followed the option research in sustainability could also enter directly a PhD-program after the GSM.

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