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    Offre de formation 2024-2025
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    Master STAPS : activité physique adaptée et santé
  • Parcours Integrative neurosciences, exercice physiology and innovative technologies for sport and health sciences - Non ouvert 2024-2025

Parcours Integrative neurosciences, exercice physiology and innovative technologies for sport and health sciences - Non ouvert 2024-2025

Alternance possible
  • Composante

    UFR Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives

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Formation non ouverte à la rentrée 2024-2025.

The REHASP International Master 2 provides access to individualized training, combined with a research project in the field of sport and health. The course content, entirely in English, focuses on the development of high-level knowledge and specialized skills to empower students in the construction and coordination of research projects. Students will be trained in cutting-edge technological tools and will have access to the various platforms of the CAPS laboratory. 

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The aim of the international master's program is to impart high-level knowledge in the field of sports training and health, train students in cutting-edge technologies for recording and stimulating the brain and neuromuscular system, and provide scientific rigor in the construction of research protocols. 

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Compétences acquises

  • Advanced and specialized uses of digital tools in the field of sport and health 
  • Development and integration of highly specialized knowledge of cognitive-motor processes 
  • Specialized communication for the transfer of scientific knowledge  
  • Construction of scientific experiments based on solid hypotheses 
  • Designing and improving assessments of the resources and skills of people with disabilities and/or special needs/ Assessing and analyzing high-level performance 
  • Medium-term evaluation and analysis of programs and schemes for specific target groups/Evaluation of the sport project of the structure 
  • Design, Planning, and Coordination of intervention projects in adapted physical activities and health/Construction and Organization of strategies and training methods 
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Ouvert en alternance

Type de contrat

Contrat d'apprentissage, Contrat de professionnalisation

Internships are open to work-study contracts 

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Durée du stage


Stage à l'étranger



Each skill block is organized over one or two weeks, with assessment at the end of each week. 

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Sélectionnez un programme

  • Usages avancés et spécialisés des outils numériques

    6 crédits
    • Programming/Algorithms

      3 crédits
    • Advanced statistics

      3 crédits
  • Développement et intégration de savoirs hautement spécialisés

    9 crédits
    • Au choix : 3 parmi 4

      • Optimisation of motor development

        3 crédits
      • Integrative approach of movement

        3 crédits
      • Neuromuscular plasticity

        3 crédits
      • Cognitivo-motor plasticity

        3 crédits
  • Communication spécialisée pour le transfert de connaissances

    6 crédits
    • Scientific communication

      2 crédits
    • Experimental and scientific approach

      2 crédits
    • Seminars (Forthem)

      2 crédits
  • Appui à la transformation en contexte professionnel

    9 crédits
    • Tutored projects

      4 crédits
    • Transferability of research, valorization

      3 crédits
    • Participation in public events

      2 crédits
  • Conception et amélioration des évaluations des ressources et compétences des publics en situation de handicap et/ou à besoins spécifiques - Evaluation et analyse de la performance de haut niveau

    6 crédits
    • Au choix : 3 parmi 6

      • Cerebral stimulation

        2 crédits
      • Movement analysis

        2 crédits
      • Robotic and Virtual reality

        2 crédits
      • Strength

        2 crédits
      • Peripheral stimulation

        2 crédits
      • Cardiorespiratory activity

        2 crédits
  • Evaluation et analyse à moyen terme de programmes et de dispositifs mobilisés pour les publics spécifiques - Evaluation du projet sportif de la structure

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 2

      • Transversal project from mouse to patient

        3 crédits
      • Psychological, human and strategic aspects of sports performance and training

        3 crédits
  • Conception, planification et coordination des projets d'intervention en APA-S - Conception des stratégies et des dispositifs d'entraînement et organisation de leur mise en oeuvre

    3 crédits
    • Au choix : 1 parmi 2

      • Patient model in scientific and clinical research

        3 crédits
      • Sports training planning

        3 crédits
  • Encadrement et formation au service du projet d'APA-S

    18 crédits
    • Dissertation & defense

      15 crédits
    • Internship (Mini 300 h)

      3 crédits


Conditions d'accès

Access to the program is by application after obtaining a first-year Master degree in France or abroad. Capacity is set at 30 students.

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Modalités de candidatures

French students apply via the ecandidat platform, while foreign students apply via the Campus France platform. 

Admission to the Master 2 International program is based on a selection process that includes an application review and/or interview. Candidates must have completed a first-year Master in Adapted Physical Activity and Health, or Training and Optimization of Sport Performance or Cognitive/Behavioral Neuroscience or equivalent in France or abroad. Consideration will be given to the academic average obtained in Undergraduate and first-year Master programs, the grades obtained in Life Sciences during the 3rd year of bachelor's degree and first-year of Master degree, the certified level of English (if possible with a TOEIC, TOEFL or CLES score), the professional project after training, the work-study or internship already found before entering Master 2. 

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Attendus / Pré-requis

Admission to the Master 2 International program is based on a selection process that includes an application review and/or interview. Candidates must have completed a first-year Master in Adapted Physical Activity and Health, or Training and Optimization of Sport Performance or Cognitive/Behavioral Neuroscience or equivalent in France or abroad. Consideration will be given to the academic average obtained in Undergraduate and first-year Master programs, the grades obtained in Life Sciences during the 3rd year of bachelor's degree and first-year of Master degree, the certified level of English (if possible with a TOEIC, TOEFL or CLES score), the professional project after training, the work-study or internship already found before 

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Et après

Débouchés professionnels

PhD candidate, research engineer, research assistant, project manager in sport and health science. 

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